Tag: Royal Liquor

  • Uncorked

    When you’re living inside a snowglobe, it’s important to have good wine. It helps you admire the view, while dulling the memory of your last visit to the grocery store. I actually avoided the obligatory stock up trip this time, but only because I called the hubby first. Despite the fact that I shop for my entire…

  • Uncorked, Continued

    This last week was a doozy. Both the husband and I came down with a nasty case of the flu, and then, this weekend we hosted Ellie’s baptism. All of that, plus  a heavy workload have kept me away from here. Luckily, we’ve both recovered, and things are starting to even out again, which hopefully means,…

  • Uncorked

    With a winter storm scheduled to hit Kansas City this last weekend, I knew I needed to be prepared, so I stocked up on wine from Royal Liquor (and brownies). I take winter preparedness very seriously. If you’re unfamiliar with Royal Liquor, it’s located at 103rd and State Line in Kansas City, Missouri. Their resident…