Tag: books

  • Messy

    The follow-up to Spoiled, Messy is the perfect beach read. Written by the ladies of Go Fug Yourself, it has their sense of humor and wit and offers both an insider and outsider’s view of L.A. Targeted to young adults, it has a great message about individuality, determination and dreaming big. Personally, I’d love to…

  • Gatsby

    Somehow I managed to escape reading The Great Gatsby in high school and college. I’m not really sure how. I’ve always wondered about it, but when given a choice, I always selected different books. With the movie out in theaters, I now had daily advertisements reminding me that I should check it out. So, this…

  • Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?

    Have you read Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling yet? If not, you should. It’s really funny. Here’s an excerpt from the book: “Don’t Peak in High School Sometimes teenage girls ask me for advice about what they should be doing if they want a career like mine one…