Category: NEST
Keeping it Together with Google Keep
Over the last few years, I’ve slowly come to the realization that fall is a lie. Instead of holing up inside, covered in cozy blankets with cups of cider, I am, instead, flinging myself across Kansas City at a break neck pace. Sure, the activities are fun, but it’s never what I imagine or expect…
This summer, we’ve been exploring Kansas City like crazy. After months of Saturdays dedicated to dance practice, naps and errands, it’s been fun to revisit favorite adventures. One of the places Ellie most enjoys going is Sea Life Aquarium. It’s small in size, which makes it perfect for little kids with short attention spans. Also,…
Stackers Jewelry Organizer
Over the last few years, I’ve picked up lots of pieces of delicate jewelry that are almost always sold with these adorable little bags. It always feels really luxe coming home, but quickly falls apart as the new bagged earrings join 10 of their identical friends. For awhile, I had all of the pouches sort…
Here is Ellie “flying” baby bear as a kite. She’s never not running (or talking). A few weeks ago, we went to Deanna Rose with Ellie. She brought her “baby brother” Sweetie. I’ve thought this doll was a girl for years, but guess I was wrong. Ellie had her first formal recital a few weeks…
Happy Birthday Ellie
It’s hard to believe this photo was taken 4 years ago, because when I look at it, it feels like a lifetime or two has passed. In the last four years, we have learned a lot together. But, a few things remain the same. She is still the sun in my sky and my love forever.…
Lately: Christmas, Mostly
This has been the first year I wasn’t worried about Ellie purposely breaking ornaments. So naturally, I breathed many sighs of relief. What I did not anticipate was that she would begin decorating our tree. In the days approaching Christmas, she added coasters, a wash cloth, wet wipes, jewelry, a headband, personal artwork and all…
New Year
I know that for many the idea of New Year’s resolutions is defeating. And trust me, I get it. I have reached for a doughnut just days after resolving to eat healthy too. That being said, I love this time of year. It is so hopeful. Last week, I took some much needed time off and…
Ellie’s daycare had a Thanksgiving program complete with performances. Here is Miss E. singing her heart out. Wherever we go, Ellie insists on bringing seven items at a minimum. In this picture, she is only holding one, Bunny, but rest assured, the others were waiting for her on our patio. Have you seen Emily Henderson’s…