checking in missalaneyus

Checking In

We are living in strange times where “How are you?” can feel like a loaded question. But, I’ll go ahead and ask, “How are you doing?” I hope you’re navigating things with confidence though I am often not.

Here, at our house, we feel both fortunate and burned out. I have laughed so hard I cried and also, sobbed in my car. Things are heavy, and we feel the weight of that.

That being said, we are aware of how good we have it. Though I have been feeling anxious and uninspired, there are bright spots too, like patio chats with friends, free weekends, lots of books and more time with Keegan and Ellie.

While we’ve been in some degree of quarantine since March, this next phase seems to be particularly intimidating. School is virtual. Winter is getting closer, and seasonal celebrations will more than likely be a lot different.

So, instead of looking ahead, I’m trying to redirect myself to the present. Most of the time this works. But, as we get ready to start remote learning next week, I struggle to imagine what this next phase will be like. The proposed schedule is daunting, and I’m not sure how I’ll find time to work. It is overwhelming for us and also for Ellie. She is disappointed and frustrated, so we try to be honest and positive. It doesn’t always work.

I’m sure many of you feel this too. So, I keep reminding myself that this too shall pass, and some day there will be birthday parties and gatherings and hugs.

My hope is to come back to this blog and share some of the good things with you, like quick recipes, great books, beauty products and more. But, I felt that before I jumped back into a highlight reel of things I enjoy I needed to be transparent of where we’re at, which is at home – safe, healthy and in many many ways, incredibly lucky. And, for that, I am grateful.



2 responses to “Checking In”

  1. Kim Odle Avatar
    Kim Odle

    Laney loved this just know you are not alone

    1. missalaneyus Avatar

      Thanks Kim! Keegan is also helping out a ton, which makes this all more manageable. You raised a good one. 🙂

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