So, I’m pregnant. And, we’re having a baby girl in June.
There, I’ve finally said it.
I’ve thought about how to address it here for awhile and decided the best thing to do was just start writing something. This blog wasn’t meant to be a personal one where I tell you a lot about what’s going on in my life, but rather a place to share information.
That being said, my pregnancy is influencing the blog in ways I couldn’t have foreseen. For example, during the first trimester, I felt permanently nauseous with no appetite, so as you might have noticed the number of recipes seriously dropped off. I was also exhausted. All the time. As I started to feel better and cook more, I started to grow, which has meant very few (okay, zero) posts on fashion. It’s hard to post about clothes when nothing fits.
The other thing I’m not entirely sure how to express is how completely over the moon we are. How giddy and happy and scared out of our minds we find ourselves. I’m not sure we’ve ever been this close as couple. It’s absolutely wonderful.
In addition to all this, I’ve taken on some side projects, which are sucking up my free time. So, I ask you to bear with me as I find my footing over the next few months. I have a long list of things I’m dying to tell you about like a brunch I hosted, some killer turkey burgers, items to register for and spring fashion.
But, I’m trying to be flexible, because I hear these babies sort of change things, and quite frankly, I have no idea where she will take us. But, we can’t wait to meet her and find out.
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