It’s possible I’ve been holding out on you. And, I am sorry.
For years, Calvin Klein has been my go-to for work shoes. Now, that I am older and weak, they are also my – charity event, date night, dancing, wedding, basically anything where I may have to stand for more than 5 minutes – shoes.
Here is why:
- A lot of the pairs have a gel pod inside the sole that adds cushion. I look for this detail before even trying on a pair. (It is my number one reason for buying them again and again.)
- While some pairs are sky-high, many others have 2 – 3 inch heels.
- They go with all the things.
- They are cute, but classic.
- They come in a zillion colors and fabrics.
So, I’d love to know. Do you have a go-to brand you rely on for cute, comfortable shoes too? Spill the beans.
P.S. Keegan got me this pair for my birthday. So good, right?

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