Collecting rocks, sticks and bugs is how Ellie spends most of her time outdoors. This particular afternoon, she found rocks that she could draw with. Do you remember finding those when you were little? White chalk rocks? I do. They were my favorite.
I am on the hunt for new boots. It is not going well. I want brown riding boots to replace these old favorites. Do you have any good leads? I’m looking for all leather, since I was more than a little sad when this pair’s “leather” started chipping off.
I picked up this pom pom hat for Ellie at Target, because subliminally, I really want one for myself, but am not sure it goes with my style. I love it on her, but will refrain from becoming her twin. That happened to us the winter of 2013 by accident, and it was not a good look (for me).
We had so many green tomatoes this year, but very few ripened. I blame all the rain. So, you can imagine my surprise when just a few weeks ago Keegan and Ellie started finding some that were bright red or yellow. Most never made it into the house, but I was able to sneak these past the small tomato fiend.
I love these signs with face cutouts. Thankfully, Ellie thinks they’re fun too. We found this one on our recent trip to Johnson Farms.

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