Have you read Amy Poehler’s book, Yes, Please?
I just finished it. It’s a really quick read, and I liked it a lot. Full disclaimer, there were sections I was less interested in, but others had some big ideas. So, to me, that constitutes a win. Anything that gets my brain going is a good thing.
Amy had a lot of interesting things to say. These are just a few:
“Once a woman turns forty, she has to start dealing with two things: younger men telling her they are proud of her and older men letting her know they would have sex with her.”
“The only way we will survive is by being kind. The only way we can get by in this world is through the help we receive from others.”
“People are very bad and very good. A little love goes a long way.”
Great, right? It’s the perfect combination of funny and smart – just like Ms. Poehler.
I’d love to know. Have you read it? What did you think?
Which chapters resonated with you? My favorite insights were in these: Plain Girl vs. the Demon; Every Mother Needs a Wife; Parents Just Do Understand; Treat Your Career Like a Bad Boyfriend; I”m So Proud of You; My Boys; and The Robots Will Kill Us All.

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