Things have been sort of nuts around here. I haven’t wanted to mention it, but I feel like it’s kind of hanging out there. Since August, the husband and I have buried three grandmothers and an aunt. There have been colds and stomach bugs and viruses. And quite frankly, it has been pretty yuck at times.
When things are tough, it’s really difficult not to get bogged down by it. Everything seems harder. I’ve been postponing this round up of photos, because I was concerned I wouldn’t have anything fun to show, but after looking through my iPhone pictures, I realized we’ve had a little more sunshine than I remembered this past month.
For starters, I attended the most darling brunch via Pepperologie. At their events, they feature topics that add flavor and spice to your life. During the brunch, we learned spring hairstyling tips from a stylist and how to create beautiful floral arrangements. Fun, right? I was a little nervous to go by myself, but was really glad I went. I’m not sure my hair styling has improved, but my floral arranging skills are a billion times better. Here is the stylist in action.
Ellie watches T.V. in the same position her great grandmother and I do. Genetics can be so funny sometimes.
I’m sucker for spring flowers and am always embarrassingly excited to see my tulips come up. I love these with the double blooms.
This recipe may not look like much, but it is delicious. Make it for dinner with a side of freshly sliced strawberries. You won’t be disappointed.
For some reason, Ellie thought the princess duck should wear this on her beak. I think she looks like she’s wearing some sort of medical mask or hazmat suit, which is a nice contrast to her tiara.
Keegan and I went on a rare date to Affare. The food was spectacular. There were quite a few diners who were eating there before the opera. We enjoyed an impromptu, operatic performance of Happy Birthday while we ate. It was lovely.
The strawberries in store are finally starting to sweeten up, but Ellie hasn’t minded their sub-par flavor. She grabs fistfuls, shoving them in her mouth as if she is afraid someone will take them away. I like to sprinkle ours with vanilla sugar, so it’s possible she’s afraid of me.
Growing up did you celebrate May Day? It was always one of my favorite holidays. We’d place flowers from my mom’s garden into paper cones (usually lilacs or peonies) and add candy from our house. Then, I’d run to neighbors’ homes leaving baskets for friends, trying desperately not to get caught as I dropped the treats and rang the doorbell. This week was hectic, so we delivered May Day baskets on May 2. No one seemed to mind.
This chicken fajita recipe from Smitten Kitchen is so good. If you’re not a fajita lover, I’d still recommend trying her marinade for the chicken. It is out-of-this-world. I used it to make chicken burrito bowls this week, and they did not disappoint.

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