Ellie spotted these ice skaters and after a few short minutes of watching tried to walk out on to the ice. Needless to say, we had to leave before she had any other big ideas.
I have been cooking from this non-stop since getting it for Christmas. Making lunch has always stumped me, but this cookbook makes it simple. Catherine McCord’s recipes are easy, quick and inventive. Weelicious Lunches is full of kid-friendly recipes adults can feel good about eating.
A few weekends ago, Ellie and I headed to Emporia without Keegan. He was tasked with switching the little one’s room with my office. Her room has shared a wall with our living room, and after watching TV for over a year at a barely audible volume, it was time for a change.
Whenever I’m in town, I try to swing by one of my favorite spots in Emporia the Sweet Granada. If you find yourself there, you should definitely check it out.
The room I stay in while at home has a wall full of books. Tucked in one corner are some of my favorites from childhood.
I had forgotten all about this children’s book until I started flipping through it. I remember trying to decide which character I wanted to be.
We celebrated Valentine’s Day early at Collection, Celina Tio’s new restaurant. It was fantastic. I wanted to eat everything on the menu. If you go, be sure to get the warm cookies as your dessert.
My littlest Valentine and I went to Dolce Bakery for a quick cupcake. It is one of my favorite places to go with Ellie. Here she is checking out her fellow customers.

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