You may be wondering what has been going on around here. The last time I posted was in October, so truthfully, a lot has happened since then. For starters, Ellie is taller now with longer hair and more words. She is very funny. Here is she is pretending she doesn’t know where her water is.
We celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas by spending time with family.
Keegan and I rang in the New Year from our couch with champagne while Ellie slept. It was wild.
I grew my business a little more than I should have, which is one of the big reasons I haven’t been here writing to you.
Which is not to say, I haven’t thought about you or tips I wanted to share. Like wearing 20 hair accessories can look glamorous while you clean.
There have been recipes and products and books I have been wanting to tell you about, but I haven’t had the time.
This year, I set a few New Year’s goals, which I’ll say are going fairly well. I have some room for improvement, but I’m making progress.
The first is to make more time for FUN. Who doesn’t want to do that?
The second is to take better care of myself. (Eat smarter, start working out and buy clothes I love instead of ones I tolerate. I think massages might even be in order.) This one is proving to be a little more challenging, but I’m slowly making changes in the hopes they will be lasting ones.
So, what have you been up to? Did you make New Year’s resolutions? Are they already broken?

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