Uncorked, Continued

easter 176

This last week was a doozy. Both the husband and I came down with a nasty case of the flu, and then, this weekend we hosted Ellie’s baptism. All of that, plus  a heavy workload have kept me away from here. Luckily, we’ve both recovered, and things are starting to even out again, which hopefully means, I’ll be sharing news with you here. Because truthfully, I’ve had a lot of things I wanted talk with you about. A lot.

One of the first things is that we liked three more of the wines we picked up at Royal Liquor. I’ve decided to add a wine list page, where I can catalog all of these. I thought that might be easier than trying to sift through past posts to find a wine I mentioned on here. Here they are:

Milton Park by Thorn – Clarke, Shiraz, 2010: Light with peppery notes

Roc de Chateauvieux, Vouvray, 2008: Starts out sweet, but has a light crisp finish

Chateau de Campuget, Costieres de Nimes, Rose, 2012: Dry and crisp – a perfect spring wine – Not at all what I expected. I’m thinking of serving this one at a dinner party in a few weeks.



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