Last year, I mentioned the insane baking extravaganza I partake in each Christmas. If you were wondering if I got any smarter over the course of the last year, the answer is no, because I still made seven different cookies. Seven. Let that marinate in your mind a bit.
That being said, I’ve developed a few tricks for making it easier every year. The first is not including candy. It is way too labor intensive for me. I also use parchment paper for every batch of cookies, which makes clean up much easier. I use the same bowl to mix flour for every batch. And while I do try new recipes every year, I now rely heavily on my tried and true ones.
While the process is a little crazy, I always have fun delivering the boxes to friends. The holidays are so busy that it’s nice to have an excuse to say a quick “Hi” to old friends, kiss their babies and leave them with something nice.
Here’s what I included in the cookie boxes this year with links to the recipes.
Cookie Box:
- Salted Oatmeal White Chocolate Chip
- Sugar Cookies (recipe 2) – I use my mom’s frosting recipe instead, which is just a simple glaze (milk + powdered sugar) Adjust the levels until you have your desired thickness. If it’s too thin, it won’t cover the cookies.
- Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip
- My Mom’s Snickerdoodles
- My Mom’s Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Sparkly Lemon Cookies
- Chocolate Mint Crackles

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